Peak Alert


Sumner-Cowley’s Peak Shaving program is an effort to help members become energy aware and lower their power bills by reducing the energy consumed during peak periods when prices are higher.  

The Peak Shaving program runs from June 1 through September 30 between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. when demand for electricity is greatest.

To meet the demand for power needed at peak times, electric suppliers must produce the power themselves or purchase it on the market.  Consequently, the costs are greater during peak time when demand is high.  These higher costs are reflected in the power cost adjustment applied to the monthly electric bill for Sumner-Cowley and its members.

The peak period window does not change from day-to-day. However, members may hear our Peak Alert announcements on 107.9-FM or receive notification through Facebook and our website. Peak Alerts are not a notice of a power shortage, they are simply a load management effort used to reduce the demand for electricity and keep your cost of power as low as possible. By keeping high electrical demand levels to a minimum, Sumner-Cowley members reap the benefit in the form of a lower cost of power.

A Peak Alert occurs when Sumner-Cowley is extremely close to demanding more electric power than usual. Your cooperative pays for power based on the total number of kilowatt hours of electricity we use and the largest demand for electric power during any one-hour increment. If we set a new peak demand, it can mean we have to pay thousands of dollars more throughout the rest of the year. That means higher electric rates for you, our members.

From 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. each day, and especially on Peak Alert days, find ways to lower your usage such as:

  • Raise your thermostat to 78 degrees or higher.

  • Turn off lights and appliances you aren’t using. (It’s a waste of energy and your money.)

  • Delay doing laundry, running the dishwasher or using other major appliances until later in the evening.

  • Take advantage of using the outdoor grill to keep cooking heat outside.

By working together, we can curb the demand for electric power. This is a win-win for the membership and the cooperative, as Sumner-Cowley strives to keep the cost of power as low as possible.


Questions? Contact Casha Short at or by calling (888) 326-3356.